As one of the most used tropical fruits in the world, lemons are loaded with nutrients and have incredibly high concentrations of vitamin C but when the oil is unlocked from this little piece of fruit, its full potential is realised.  

The cleansing, purifying and invigorating properties of the lemon make it one of the most versatile of the essential oils and can be used for many applications.

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Get Your Priorities Right

‘I need to get my priorities right’ is what a client told me the other day.

She had been to see me a year or so ago for neck and shoulder problems and hadn’t been back.

Now, a year later and in more pain than when she first came to see me, she realised how important it was to look after her body.

There was also another year’s worth of tightness that needed to be broken down and released, effectively taking longer to achieve. But, hey, what do I know?

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I just bent over and now I can't move!!!!

Has this ever happened to you or maybe someone you know? One minute everything is ticking along fine, the next minute you are on the floor or bent in some awkward position, clutching your back crying out in pain something like 'MY BACK' or 'I CAN'T MOVE'. It seems so innocent and so out of the blue. All you did was simply do something that you've done hundreds of times before, except this time it has ended up with a very different outcome. What happened?

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Muscle Imbalances

Almost every person I treat on a daily basis all have one thing in common, and that is muscle imbalances. We all have an imbalance to some degree, it just depends how long our body has been in an unbalanced state as to how much pain, tightness and discomfort we feel. Our bodies become unbalanced due to a variety of factors; poor posture, sitting or standing for long periods, injury, intense physical activity, etc.

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Bev Bishop